Online Safety for Kids: Keeping Your Family Secure

Keeping your kids safe online is a daunting task, but keeping them offline is probably impossible. Computers, smart-phones, and tablets are everywhere, even at school. Some school districts even hand out devices like iPads and Chromebooks to allow students to access technology for learning purposes. That’s why online safety for kids is more important than ever.
Online Safety for Kids Starts With a Secure Computer
Make sure you have antivirus software and keep it up to date. You need antivirus on all of your home computers and laptops. If the computer comes from the school district, chances are there is one on the device already, but check with your school’s admin or technology team. Viruses have been known to pop up some very mature content on computer screens, don’t let your kids be exposed. Running an up to date, AV keeps most threats at bay and alerts you when something gets through.
Having an AV that runs real-time scans will keep your computer and your family secure all the time. It will alert you if a threat gets through or when you, or your kids, may be on an unsafe site. Having a support company behind your AV gives you robust protection at all times.
Talk to Your Kids About Their Safety
Talk to your kids about their online safety. Just like many other topics, kids need to be told about online safety. Set up some ground rules for the kids so they know the things they should never do online. Conversation about safety start with family but also check on what they’re learning about online safety at school. With the rise of technology many schools may be having these conversations as well.
An easy way to remind kids of the rules it to make a note they’ll see every time they sit down at the computer. Windows computers come with a program called Sticky Notes which acts like a Post-It for your home screen. Write up your family’s online safety rules for kids on a Sticky Note, so it’s always visible. Mac OSX also comes with a similar program called Stickies. If you prefer, write the rules up and post them on the wall next to the computer or in the family room.
Keep an Eye On Their Activities
Making computer time part of family time is an excellent way to keep an eye on what your kids are doing online. If the computer is being used for homework, sit down with your kids while they work and offer them help. This will not only allow you to see what they’re doing but also to provide them with tips for better searches, more reliable sources, and maybe even finding fun content together.
If you don’t want to crowd them or are unable to be with the kids while they’re online, check the browsing history. Checking this is easy in most browsers. In Chrome, for example, click your menu (upper right-hand corner) and click history. Here you can see what has been accessed and check to make sure everyone in the house is taking their online safety seriously.
For more in-depth information and resources about online safety for kids, visit the DOJ’s Children’s Internet Safety page.
OneSupport’s Technology Advisors are here 24/7/365 to help you with all of your technology needs. OneSupport can help you check the browsing history, protect your computer, and even set in place filters and parental controls to help you keep your kids safe online. Give them a call at 844-818-3415 or chat with an agent today. We’ll tech it from here.