How to Install Windows 10 Updates

How to Install Windows 10 Updates

Installing Windows updates is one of those things you know you should probably do, but you don’t want to. But the fact is, your operating system needs to be up-to-date at all times. Many people don’t want to run updates because of the amount of time they take. Some...

Back to School Tech Tips and Giveaway

Back to School Tech Tips and Giveaway

The familiar sights and sounds of fall are right around the corner. Before you order that pumpkin spice latte, we have to get through back to school. The nightmare of school shopping is upon us all. This year, be prepared with some back to school tech tips and make...

Computer Overheating: Everything You Need to Know

Computer Overheating: Everything You Need to Know

Computers, like many electronics, get warm or even hot when you use them. Knowing when your computer is too hot is essential. Knowing what to do when your computer is overheating isn’t always obvious. All computers have built-in cooling systems to keep them from...

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