OneSupport Insights

New Computer Set Up Made Easy
Chances are after you’ve purchased a new computer you’ll want to take it home and play with it right away, but there are a lot of steps to set up a new computer set up. Don’t let the set up ruin that new computer excitement. Instead, consider consulting a professional...
On-Site Tech Support When You Need It
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Two-Factor Authentication Might Keep You Safer Online
Facebook announced Friday morning that it had experienced a massive data breach affecting 50 million users. Most accounts have been logged out, as a precaution. Users will need to log back in, however, this has left a lot of people wondering if their accounts are...

Buying a New Computer Doesn’t Have to Be Scary
Knowing where to start when buying a new computer can feel overwhelming. You have a list of things you need and a list of things you’d like, but how do you make sure you’re not paying for things you’ll never use? Here are some helpful tips for computer shopping. Hard...

You Need Antivirus Software for Your Security
Installing antivirus software is one of the necessary steps after buying and setting up a new computer. Antivirus software is such a necessity that most new computers come with Windows Defender or a free trial of Norton already installed. But picking the right...

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