Is it Time for a Computer Tune-Up?

Is it Time for a Computer Tune-Up?

One of the things you may notice on the OneSupport website when you read about the services is "tune-up." It's all over the place, but understanding what a computer tune-up means could help you protect your computer. You Probably Need a Computer Tune-Up The biggest...

Google’s G Suite Is Free and Can Help You

Google’s G Suite Is Free and Can Help You

Google has provided us with some of the best cloud-based apps on the market, and almost all of them are free. The G Suite is something I utilize every day in various forms. Since it’s back-to-school time, I wanted to share some ways you may be able to save money by...

Protect Your Privacy from Your Apps

Protect Your Privacy from Your Apps

After reading an article about privacy concerns with TVs and smartphones about Facebook’s patent for technology that would allow your phone to listen to what you’re watching on TV, I was curious about app settings and privacy. It is up to you to protect your privacy....

Essential Tech Accessories for Back-to-School

Essential Tech Accessories for Back-to-School

We all know retailers are notorious for putting out seasonal items way too early. So when I walked into my neighborhood grocery store earlier this week and saw the back-to-school aisle set up, I wrote it off at first, but then I really thought about it. Back-to-school...

Comparing Smart-Home Devices

Comparing Smart-Home Devices

The next wave of tech is upon us. Smart-home devices are riding a huge wave of popularity. Over the past few years more than 20 million have been sold, the vast majority of those coming from Amazon, such as Amazon Echo. But several companies are making these...

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