Smart Ways to Use Your Smartwatch

Smart Ways to Use Your Smartwatch

When smartwatches and became popular a few years ago, many people purchased them without taking the time to learn what they could do. Most smartwatches offer a huge range of features that the average consumer isn’t even aware of. However, taking a few hours to learn...

Top Geek Gifts of 2018

Top Geek Gifts of 2018

The holidays are right around the corner! Tech geeks of the world are salivating over the potential for new toys. But shopping for your nerdy loved ones isn’t always easy for those of you who aren’t up to date on the latest tech trends. Luckily, we’ve compiled the top...

Tech Gifts Your Grandparents Will Love

Tech Gifts Your Grandparents Will Love

Are you searching for a tech gift for your grandparents? Well, it’s a good thing because every year technology grows and every year technology gifts get just a little more impressive. Shopping for holiday gifts can be a struggle, but when you choose to buy tech gifts,...

Five Reasons Dell Computers Make Great Gifts

Five Reasons Dell Computers Make Great Gifts

Electronics are usually a safe bet for the Holiday Season, but selecting the right laptop can be overwhelming. There are so many brands, covering just about every price point, making it difficult to know what the best choice is. Among the sea of options are Dell...

Black Friday Deals You Don’t Want to Miss

Black Friday Deals You Don’t Want to Miss

Designed as a way to help retailers get "in the black" financially, Black Friday has taken on a life of its own. Most major retailers start their sales earlier in the month or late in the evening on Thanksgiving, but the Friday sales are some of the biggest instore...

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