Google Pay Is Another Cog in the Google Machine

Google Pay Is Another Cog in the Google Machine

It’s 2019 and pay apps are revolutionizing the payment process. The era of “Cash is King” has long since departed. Enter: Google Pay, the tech giant's latest effort at an all-inclusive virtual wallet. Combining Google Wallet and Android Pay into one, Google Pay allows...

Is Wireless Charging Right for You?

Is Wireless Charging Right for You?

The convenience, ease of use, and aesthetic of wireless chargers are driving their sales. It’s not that hard-wired charging is a bad thing, but for some, it doesn’t measure up. On the other hand, a good percentage of consumers still prefer the classic method of wired...

Google Fi Could Be the Phone Service for You

Google Fi Could Be the Phone Service for You

While many people still use traditional phone carriers for their smartphones, there is a growing number of smartphone users switching over to alternative phone services such as Google Fi. Issues such as plans being too expensive or too difficult to understand and not...

Phone Updates Are Not the Enemy

Phone Updates Are Not the Enemy

Have you ever wondered why there are so many phone updates? If you're like most smartphone users, updating your apps or the phone's operating system is a chore best left for later. But being careful about keeping your phone fresh can help protect you from hackers,...

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